Being the Midwestern, rural, hospitable and generous people that we are, we’re giving our family a long-lasting Christmas gift this year: the wonderful and most desirable opportunity to experience winter chores for 3 weeks!
And while they’re here basking in the winter glory and having the time of their lives…..
we’ll be in Panama, suffering with the heat and the humidity and the terrible, terrible company of friends and family.
We’ll suffer through the tropical fruits….
the mountainous vistas….
the comfort of mom/grandma….
the pristine beaches….
the fun with cousins….
the jokes and hilarious stories told by brothers…
the reminders of why you fell in love with your husband…
and the comforts of home.
It may be a long ways from Irish Grove, but it’s home all the same.
Yes, it’ll be rough. But we’ll make it through the next few weeks somehow. And so, since we won’t be seeing you for awhile….we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
See ya in 2011!